We are often asked, "which note should I choose?"
Choosing the right singing bowl can be made simple!
Each of our singing bowls connect to a specific energy center, known as Chakras. The notes the bowls are tuned to play, and the colors they are hand-painted are specific to their chakra connection. When choosing a bowl, we ask that you tune into your being. Which chakra do you feel needs some work? The goal is to align ourselves, bring us back into balance.
Below is some detailed information on the chakra system, you may find that some resonates more than others at this very moment in your life.
T H E 7 C H A K R A S
There are said to be 7 main chakras, starting from the root of your body to the crown of your head. Each chakra corresponds to major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.
The energy centers spin in circular motion, like a wheel, when in alignment the spinning is smooth and open. When chakras are closed, the spinning is rough and imbalance in this area can occur. This is when issues can begin to arise, they can be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Awareness and meditation help bring these chakras back into balance, as well as the vibrations of sound therapy, energy work like reiki, crystal healing, and cultivating a meditative practice.
Crown Chakra
These sound bowls connect us to our higher self and our spirituality
Location: top of the head
Third Eye
These sound bowls connect us to our intuition, inviting clarity
Location: forehead
Throat Chakra
These sound bowls connect us to be honest and to speak our truth
These sound bowls play a heart warming frequency to help one with self love
Solar Plexus
These sound bowls play a powerful frequency that brings a strong sense of willpower
Color: yellow
Element: fire
Location: upper belly
Body part: stomach, liver, digestive organs
Issue: anger
Affirmation: i do
Sacral Chakra
These sound bowls play a frequency that connects us to our desires and sexuality
Root Chakra
These sound bowls play a grounding frequency that brings a sense of security and protection